–noun, plural -ties.
freedom from deceit, hypocrisy, or duplicity; probity in intention or in communicating; earnestness.
Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite. ~Charles Spurgeon
. . . the highest form of affection is based on full sincerity on both sides. ~Thomas Hardy
Of all the evil spirits abroad at this hour in the world, insincerity is the most dangerous. ~James Froude
It has been a few days since I last wrote because life has taken on a new dimension. The Man is home and we’re working on getting our basement finished; class is winding down to the final weeks so term papers and final exams are looming on the horizon; The Princess arrived home yesterday and Tootie will be home today. In preparation for all of this we have been super busy and I have not had the time, energy or inspiration to blog. However, while reading last night (I’m reading Still Alice
In years past I found myself to be somewhat emotionally numb, shutting out past hurts and regrets. This was a very unhappy time in my life and I tried to anesthetize myself with food or anything that would take-away the emotional upheaval that I was feeling. During that period in my life I was not living an authentic life, I had just been going through the motions. I was not free from deceit, hypocrisy or duplicity as the definition of sincerity states. I was not communicating my true feelings, I wore a happy-mask everyday but inside I had a bleak outlook. My sincerity took a back seat to my unhappiness.
I tell this story because I have learned that there is no way to be happy unless you are truly sincere with yourself AND with your loved ones. We cannot tell half-truths or say things that we do not mean. I have been lured into things by people’s lip-service and it makes me feel cheated because I was not able to make decisions based on truth. When you give your word to someone or talk with them about something you have to be completely open and honest, it hurts others when you back-out of things that you’ve told them. I know now not to say things that I do not mean and/or volunteer for things that I cannot do.
If you truly love someone then you have to be honest from the beginning. I understand the many stages of relationships and we all want to be accepted in the infatuation stage but saying things that you don’t mean can be hurtful in the long run. Tell those that you love how you really feel and do so with a sincere heart. Of course we all make mistakes but insincerity is a difficult pill to swallow.
64 Ways to Say I Love You: http://psychology.suite101.com/article.cfm/60_ways_to_say_i_love_you
Lovely post and how true it is. Makes me want to reflect back on the sincerity between myself and emotions
ReplyDeleteAmen sis thank you for being so open and sharing with us all.