From Websters 1828 Dictionary:
INCOG'NITO, adv. [L. incognitus; in and cognitus, known.] In concealment; in a disguise of the real person.
Modern Dictionary:
in•cog•ni•to/ɪnkɒgˈnitoʊ, ɪnˈkɒgnɪˌtoʊ/ [in-kog-nee-toh, in-kog-ni-toh]
1. having one's identity concealed, as under an assumed name, esp. to avoid notice or formal attentions.
2. with the real identity concealed: to travel incognito.
3. a person who is incognito.
4. the state of being incognito.
5. the disguise or character assumed by an incognito.
Why Living Incognito? Because I have lived behind the mask of happiness but was dying inside. I lived in a state of numb, not knowing how or what to feel. I was caught in a trap, society puts unrealistic expectations on women so I thought that I had to live up to those standards to be happy.....I was not. I was empty. I was lost. I did not know who I was or what I truly wanted in life. I lost my smile. I lost my purpose. I lost myself. Yes, I went through the motions but I was not truly living. I had to find my way back so, I learned who I was and learned to love ME for ME again.
I could not live that lie for one more second, one more hour, one more day, one more anything.....I had to free myself from the trap. I had NOTHING LEFT! I learned the tools to help me to find myself again, I have an authentic smile!! I rebuilt my confidence. I found my mojo. I LIVE every single day and I FEEL again.
If you are feeling like you are lost, broken, or numb contact me to book your free coaching session. Let's work together, I can help you to find your way. I can give you the tools to feel free and empowered again.
If you are feeling like you are lost, broken, or numb contact me to book your free coaching session. Let's work together, I can help you to find your way. I can give you the tools to feel free and empowered again.
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