About this Blog

From Websters 1828 Dictionary:
INCOG'NITO, adv. [L. incognitus; in and cognitus, known.] In concealment; in a disguise of the real person.

Modern Dictionary:
in•cog•ni•to/ɪnkɒgˈnitoʊ, ɪnˈkɒgnɪˌtoʊ/ [in-kog-nee-toh, in-kog-ni-toh]

1. having one's identity concealed, as under an assumed name, esp. to avoid notice or formal attentions.

2. with the real identity concealed: to travel incognito.

3. a person who is incognito.

4. the state of being incognito.

5. the disguise or character assumed by an incognito.

Why Living Incognito?  Because I have lived behind the mask of happiness but was dying inside.  I lived in a state of numb, not knowing how or what to feel.  I was caught in a trap, society puts unrealistic expectations on women so I thought that I had to live up to those standards to be happy.....I was not.  I was empty.  I was lost.  I did not know who I was or what I truly wanted in life.  I lost my smile.  I lost my purpose.  I lost myself.  Yes, I went through the motions but I was not truly living.  I had to find my way back so, I learned who I was and learned to love ME for ME again.

I could not live that lie for one more second, one more hour, one more day, one more anything.....I had to free myself from the trap.  I had NOTHING LEFT!  I learned the tools to help me to find myself again, I have an authentic smile!!  I rebuilt my confidence.  I found my mojo.  I LIVE every single day and I FEEL again.

If you are feeling like you are lost, broken, or numb contact me to book your free coaching session.  Let's work together, I can help you to find your way.  I can give you the tools to feel free and empowered again.

Copyright © livingincognito2.blogspot.com . All Rights Reserved.  All content on this website is copyrighted content of Anissa Jackson Life Coaching Services.


I finally did it, I have my OWN domain and website.  This blog will remain open but I will be moving content over to the new website and add...