Monday, March 19, 2018





Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

synonyms: persistence, tenacity, determination, staying power, indefatigability, steadfastness, purposefulness

Our lives are defined not by the challenges we encounter, but by how we respond to those challenges.  - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Circumstance does not make the man: it reveals him to himself. -James Allen

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.   - Unknown

I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh, but I never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry. - Unknown

In the book The On Purpose Person: Making your Life Make Sense by Kevin W. McCarthy the author talks about a man who became so wrapped up in the outer things of life that even though he seemed to have all of the success in the world all of it lost its luster and he became angry and depressed. I have been drawn back to this book so many times and I take away something different each time I read it.  If we forget what is driving us we tend to lose sight of the person that we are inside and get so wrapped up in the daily routine of life that we lose our passion for life.  In the past, I have given parts of myself to others that I should not have given.  I gave away my joy and allowed others to be in charge of my happiness.

I am at a place in my life where I understand that nurturing and caring for myself is THE most important thing that I can do for my loved ones.  I do not need someone to affirm my value, I do not need someone to acknowledge my good qualities, I do not need a romantic relationship in order to fill fulfilled—I do those things for myself.  I do not need for someone to tell me what to think or feel, I am secure in my own skin and I know my value.  In a romantic partnership, I want someone to support, explore, and encourage me to be a better person.  Past failures make if difficult for me to put myself out there and the fear that unending commitment is a thing of the past.  I will not go through another relationship disaster so finding a person that I trust enough to take down that road is daunting at best.  I think that relationally I am healthy enough to say no to the one’s who just don’t fit the bill.  I will not settle and I will  not give away parts of myself that are meant to be kept.  I will not allow someone’s opinions to transfer to my own, I will not be that woman for anyone.  I would not be the person that I am today without the trials and tribulations, I have learned to appreciate the tears as much as the happy times.

I guess standing at a crossroads is a place where we learn new things about ourselves.  We grow and develop new qualities to share with the world.  Adversity might push us to the crossroads but we could be standing there by choice too.  Every choice we make results in two outcomes, there are things that we did not choose and the things that we DO choose.  Living with the collateral damage of both sides of that choice can be challenging.  The thing with choices is what will you be gaining and/or giving up by taking that direction?  Is the loss worth the gain?  I guess that you cannot be afraid to lose the game in order to win the big prize so sometimes we have to make difficult choices in order to change directions and get our lives on track.  Sometimes the results are not immediate but a series of decisions and it might take time to see the fruits of our labor.  Think of this this way, gardens are not beautiful as soon as you plant the seeds, it takes time for plants to mature and grow so it takes patience and perseverance to see results.

This week, try writing about that big (or little) decision that you have had a difficult time making.  Will taking a chance land you on your feet or flat on your back?  I guess that if passion drives those choices then you’ll land on your feet every time.  If fear is the driving force behind NOT making the decision, what is behind the fear?  Loss?  Gains?  Change?  If and when you make the decision, where will you be?  Make a list of the possible good and bad about the decision.  Which decision is best?  Which decision has the least amount of risk?  If taking a risk is not comfortable, why?

If you need some assistance persevering and learning how to make the best decision, contact me today and set-up your free coaching session.  We can discuss how my services can give you some new ways to break away from the fear and how to move forward.

This is one if my favorite poems about taking risks:

The Road Not Taken
Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

1 comment:

  1. Living in fear of your decisions is not a life at all. We will all search for what is right for ourselves, who we want to be with, until we understand that we really have very little control over over the BIG picture . I have been in relationships that i was scared to commit to, scared to give 100% and all that got me was time alone. Its important to understand that we ALL make mistakes and ALL fall short of our own expectations. Life is not meant to be figured out, not meant to be complex, love and forgiveness is the answer. The biggest quality we can all learn is forgiveness, we all need it at times and that quality alone can make the difference between a great life or a life of disappointment. I forgave someone recently that did not deserve it. That forgiveness turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me. He lied, cheated and fell short of every expectation i had for him. He was undeserving of forgiveness but i gave it anyway and it changed both of our lives for the better. He made every effort to become who he wanted to be which was also who I needed. If you set too many boundaries for yourself or anyone else, you will never experience life or live to your full potential. I notice you mention God fearing in your "about me" section. As you know God suggested forgiving 7X70 times, thats a lot but it worked for me. I have someone who did not deserve my forgiveness but the best thing to ever happen to me was to forgive him. Offering forgiveness, asking for forgiveness, leaving our place of comfort, thats what makes life worth living. There is nothing magic about it, not complicated. We have to pull ourselves from the ashes, love the unloveable, forgive the unforgivable and live to our fullest potential. You say never let anything positive go unsaid right? that applies to all situations even if you don't want to say something positive, it will free you to love. You will not be free until you love the unloveable. I don't know how many relationships that you have been in but I imagine that if you are like i was, its enough to make you question all of your decisions. I missed a lot of my life trying to make sense out of something that was not to meant to be figured out. Love and forgiveness is the answer to a happy life, very simple, too simple



I finally did it, I have my OWN domain and website.  This blog will remain open but I will be moving content over to the new website and add...