Friday, September 22, 2017


learn·ing ˈlərniNG/
1.  the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by being taught.
2.  knowledge acquired through experience, study, or being taught.

Change is the end result of all true learning. --Leo Buscaglia
I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship. --Louisa May Alcott

Today, I wanted to share some of the lessons that I have learned the past year.  As my birthday looms in the very near future (in a few days), I was reflecting on the changes and lessons of the past year.  It was not long ago that I felt so lost, numb, and distant from myself but today I feel a sense of peace, contentment, and serenity that I have rarely ever felt.  I can say that I am reaching the point of true and pure equanimity as I am learning to view the world in an entirely different lens. 

I have done a lot of hard work, felt many ugly feelings, but persevered and dug deep within myself to truly find myself again.  Lots of change, adversity, and dark days led me to a true understanding that life is not always puppies and rainbows so we have to be present even in those dark times otherwise, we miss the true meaning of the lesson.  I can FEEL again, I can SMILE again, I have peace, I do not expect anyone to fill me with love…this is something that I do myself.  This is not an exhaustive list, just a few thoughts to consider.  For some, these might seem silly or like a no-brainer; for those that are feeling stuck, they might seem like a foreign concept; but for me, they are new truths that I have finally embraced.

I learned that solitude is peaceful, not lonely.
I learned that being scared is ok remaining the same is not.
I learned that trust is a valuable tool but once it is broken, it is very difficult to restore.
I learned that spirituality goes beyond any religious practice.
I learned that true friends are always there for you, always.
I learned that failing is not a negative thing; it is something that we all need to get good at doing.
I learned that I am whole and complete, just as I am.
I learned that change matters, it makes us leave our comfort zone.
I learned that no one is responsible for my emotional well-being, that is an inside job.
I learned that no one will ever follow your checklist; you have to let people be themselves and love them anyway.
I learned that expectations lead to disappointment and resentment.
I learned that I am a LOT stronger than I thought, discovering that was not an easy task.
I learned that nothing happens by chance; it was always supposed to happen that way.

I learned that I can do this….I got this!


1 comment:

  1. I got what you intend,saved to my bookmarks, very decent website.



I finally did it, I have my OWN domain and website.  This blog will remain open but I will be moving content over to the new website and add...