Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Personality is to a man what perfume is to a flower. -Charles Schwab

Its beauty that captures your attention; personality which captures your heart. - Antioch

Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it. -Bruce Lee

At the heart of personality is the need to feel a sense of being lovable without having to qualify for that acceptance. -Paul Tournier

I recently took a personality assessment ( for a course I am taking this summer. The results were not too startling because I know me and I know that I am an Idealist and I sometimes am more driven by feelings rather than logic. I am one who is highly sensitive to others and I like to think before I act. I am very organized and like things to be somewhat planned but I am always up for the occasional fly-by-the-seat-of-the-pants activity. I am defiantly not one who likes to sit idle and watch life pass me by, I like to actively participate in life and enjoy each day that I am given.

I say all of this because I sometimes wonder what happened to the world today. Many people are so rushed to get places and do things that they never enjoy the process. I like to enjoy the little things in life and I do not take the people in my life for granted because you just never know when you will breathe your last breath. We live in a microwave society and are so driven by the ‘things’ in life rather than people. The only thing we leave behind are the memories we share--the other stuff is just, well, stuff. People no longer value good character and morality but are looking for a quick fix to make them happy. Happiness comes from within ourselves and is enhanced by the quality of our relationships. We are the only ones who can make those relationships better by valuing the people in our lives. Take time to smell the flowers and enjoy all types of beauty, even in those things where beauty is hidden.

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